Seminar Overview
Residential and Accommodation Admissions Essentials has been developed for managers and admissions staff of residential aged care providers. The program is being facilitated to discuss the best practice admission principles and to streamline admission processes.
This program will discuss the current and future requirements and challenges in the admission procedure.
Course Outline
Marketing your facility and providing a positive first impression
Considerations during the admission process and tour – best practice recommendations
Engaging with a prospective client
Best practice follow-up protocols
Is the Admission process a sales or administration process?
Understanding resident fees and charges (including MTA calculations)
Understanding resident agreements
Explanation and real-life examples of Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RADs) and
Daily Accommodation Payments (DAPs).
Accommodation pricing policy requirements
Providing financial information to residents and their family’s
Resident profiling and the impact of AN-ACC
Managing a waitlist and enhancing the occupancy of your facility
Suggested Participants
Managers, Admissions Staff, Administration Staff, Reception Staff
Upcoming Dates
2024 Webinar Scheduled Dates:
Thursday, 9 May - 1pm - 4pm AEST
Program Testimonial
*Seminar Pricing relates to face-to-face seminars that CareCFO schedules in our training calendar. Please check individual entries in the training calendar to see if they are webinars or seminars. Webinars are denoted with a green dot, seminars are denoted with a blue dot.