Seminar Overview
Workforce planning and development makes a significant contribution to the success of any organisation, but implementation can be as daunting as it can be difficult to define. Aligning organisation needs with people strategy to enhance strategic business objectives is the foundation of workforce planning. This is achieved by ensuring you have the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles, at the right time and at the right cost.
This program explores the principles of workforce planning and participants will learn how to develop, implement, and monitor a workforce plan as part of an ongoing cycle.
Course Outline
Review and analyse workforce characteristics and demographics
Establish workforce requirements
Assess and understand workforce supply
Succession planning
Workforce attraction and retention strategies
Undertake workforce skills analysis
Linking organisational strategy to workforce plan
Developing objectives and milestones
Communicating plan objectives to relevant stakeholders
Implementing a workforce plan and change management strategies
Monitor and evaluate workforce plan post implementation
Suggested Participants
This program has been developed to enhance the skills of anyone responsible for people and teams, including Managers, Team Leaders, Supervisors and Human Resources staff members.
Upcoming Dates
Webinar Scheduled Session:
2024 Dates Coming Soon
Program Testimonial
"Valuable informative that helped give context to a lot of industry issues we are currently experiencing. We will be able to use this training to better position ourselves not and in the future" - Anna, Webinar Participant
*Seminar Pricing relates to face-to-face seminars that CareCFO schedules in our training calendar. Please check individual entries in the training calendar to see if they are webinars or seminars. Webinars are denoted with a green dot, seminars are denoted with a blue dot.